Javascript Interview Cheat-sheet

Javascript Interview Cheat-sheet

This article is about a few important topics of Javascript which are must-asked in interviews.

1. Scope

Scope of variables in Javascript refers to the accessibility of variables within a program.

Types of scope:

Note: Before ES6, Javascript only had Global Scope and Function Scope

  • Block Scope

    let and const keywords provide Block Scope in Javascript. Variables declared inside a { } block cannot be accessed outside the block. This is called block scope.
const x=5;
let d=6;
// x cannot be accessed here
// d cannot be accessed here
  • Local Scope

    Variables declared within a function have its accessibility only within the function. It cannot be used or accessed outside the function. This is called local scope.
// m cannot be accessed here
function vehicle(){
var m="car";
// m can only be accessed here
// m cannot be accessed here
  • Function Scope

    All local variables within a function have function scope. Variables declared with var, let, const within a function, all have function scope i.e, they cannot be accessed from anywhere outside the function.
function fruit(){
var a="apple";
let b="banana";
const c="pineapple";
// a b and c can only be accessed here
  • Global Scope

    Variables declared using var,let or const can have global scope when they are declared outside any function or block. These variables can be accessed globally (everywhere within the program).
var x=2;
let y=3;
const z=4;
function say(){
// x,y,z can be accessed here
// x,y,z can be accessed here

2. Javascript Call Stack

The Call Stack in Javascript is used to keep track of multiple function calls by the Last In First Out (LIFO) principle. Also, Javascript engine uses Call Stack to manage Execution Contexts (Global Execution Context and Function Execution Context). Lets understand how it works with the help of an example:

function animal() {

function check() {
   return "dog";


When the JavaScript engine executes this script, the global execution context is placed in the call stack.

global() (1)1.png

Then the javascript engine creates a function execution context and places the called function animal() in top of the stack.

global() (2).png

The animal() function calls check() function. So, the JavaScript engine creates another function execution context for check() function and places the check() function on top of the call stack.

global() (3).png

Now Javascript executes the check() function first since it is on the top of the stack and pops it out of the stack. So, now this is how call stack looks: global() (2).png

Next Javascript executes the animal() function and pops it out of the call stack. global() (1)1.png

Execution stops as call stack became empty.

global() (4).png

So that's how the call stack works.

3. Javascript is a Single Threaded language

Javascript is a single threaded language means it has one call stack and one memory heap. Javascript executes one single task at a time before moving to the next task. JavaScript is a single-threaded language, which means it has only one call stack that is used to execute the program.
For example:

function first(){
function second(){
console.log("hello world");
first(); // first() will be executed, completed 
second(); //then only second() will be executed.


Hoisting in JavaScript is the behavior by which the declaration of variables with var keyword and functions are moved to the top. This means that the variable or function declaration need not be done before initializing and calling them.

var x; //undefined

Variable Hoisting

Just like var, let and const declarations are hoisted to the top but unlike var which is initialized as undefined, the let and const keyword is not initialized. So if you try to use a let variable before declaration, you'll get a Reference Error.

let a; // Reference error

Function Hoisting

Function declarations hoist the function definitions. Hence, functions declaration can be used before they are declared.

say(); // This function is hoisted

function say(){
  console.log("This function is hoisted");

Well that's all from my side. Happy coding!